When Should You Drink Green Tea?

If you’re a green tea drinker then you probably have a specific time of day that you like to brew your cup (or cups) of tea.

But what if you found out there was an even better time during the day to drink tea? Or that the time of day you’re drinking tea is potentially holding back the benefits you’re looking for?

Like with all dietary goods, there is an ideal time to drink green tea – or more specifically, ideal times to drink the brew.

Find out which time works best with your schedule and change your tea drinking habits to fit. You may find that you get even more out of your daily blend!

Spacing green tea around meals

You might enjoy drinking green tea with your meals, but that isn’t the best time to drink your tea.

According to studies, green tea can inhibit your body’s iron absorption. In fact, excessive green tea drinking can actually lead to an iron deficiency. If you’re looking for a healthy lifestyle, this is not ideal.

What does this have to do with meals? Well, unless you take iron supplements, your meals are the most likely place you’ll be getting iron. If you drink green tea with your meals or with your supplements, then you are likely limiting the amount of iron that your body absorbs.

To get around this, don’t drink green tea within a few hours of any meals. This gives the green tea time to work its way throughout your body so you can approach your meal ready to absorb iron! Waiting a few hours after a meal has the same effect since it gives your body time to start digesting the foods you eat.

If you want to have a little snack with your green tea, that’s completely fine – just keep track of how much iron you might be cutting out of your diet from tea.

Before Exercising

Why is it healthy for you to drink green tea before you exercise? Because green tea contains caffeine, and this caffeine is going to give you more energy for your workout.

Even more, studies show that drinking caffeine can increase your chances to burn fat and cut weight. Drinking green tea before exercising is an excellent way to hydrate the body and introduce some caffeine, giving you a better all-around workout.

Not before bed

For the same reason it’s good before exercising, green tea shouldn’t be consumed within the hours leading up to sleep.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that consuming caffeine before going to sleep can ruin the quality of your sleep. If you suffer from insomnia or have trouble falling asleep as is, then adding caffeine to your body a few hours before going to bed is not going to help.

To be safe, don’t drink any green tea at least two hours before going to sleep. Keep in mind that all tea contains caffeine, so even if you are drinking decaf, there will be trace amounts of caffeine in the blend!

Limit your tea

Depending on your daily schedule, there may be a few or many opportunities to get the most out of tea. However, drinking too much tea is going to be more detrimental to your health.

It’s recommended that people only drink two or three cups in a day, but it isn’t uncommon for some tea drinkers to have up to six cups a day.

Beyond six cups is certainly not recommended for most people. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies and excess caffeine. Just like everything else in the world, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing!

But when consumed in healthy amounts, most people find that tea adds a lot to their life. Try drinking tea at different times in the day to find the perfect balance for you!

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Is There a Difference Between Hot Tea and Iced Tea?

Most tea drinkers have a preference when it comes to brewing – either they like their tea hot, or they want it cold.

People can debate for hours on which is better. Iced teas are great during the summer when the weather is hot, but hot teas are soothing when it starts to get chilly during the winter.

There’s also the matter of having a drink at any given temperature. Some people prefer all their drinks to be colder while others like it warm. There are so many arguments you can make for either side.

But aside from preferences and opinions, is there any real difference between hot tea and iced tea?

The answer is yes – and the differences between the two are larger than you think.

Flavors and Aromas

One of the biggest differences between hot and cold tea is flavor and aroma. Interestingly, though, this usually doesn’t have anything to do with the type of green tea you use – it has to do with the fact that the tea is hot or cold.

Studies have shown that cold beverages and foods are less flavorful than warmer versions, and this pertains to everything including tea.

The colder something is, the harder it is for taste buds to pick up on the subtleties of the flavor. Conversely, if something is warmer – but not too hot – then the flavor is at its peak.

So, when it comes to flavors and aromas, science backs up that hot tea is going to be superior. So if you’re looking for maximum flavor, you’ll want it hot.

Health Benefits

Measuring the health benefits of green tea is difficult since it mostly depends on where you’re getting your green tea from. But it’s clear that there’s no significant difference between hot tea and cold tea when it comes to health.

There are some studies that say that cold teas bind caffeine with antioxidants, rendering both less effective. However, it’s unclear how ineffective they might be rendered.

Others claim that iced tea is healthier since you shake the tea before serving, releasing more chemicals into the water. This could be true, but it’s nearly impossible to measure.

The key to both is that you steep the tea for the proper amount of time before serving. Most iced teas are brewed hot to begin with, so steeping a teabag for at least 2 minutes will yield the highest effects regardless of temperature. Loose leaf blends might require anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes to steep.

Pre-Brewed vs Home-Made Teas

If you choose to drink iced tea, you should make it at home.

Pre-packaged teas in liquid form, as we explored in a previous post, are not as good for you as home-made versions. Since pre-packaged teas are served cold (to preserve the blend for longer), some people might think that it’s the same as any iced tea.

But prebrewed liquid teas are made for mass consumption and companies that produce them cut corners. The process will take a lot of the healthy aspects out of the tea. While the flavor might be there, some of these teas can end up being unhealthy for you to drink and usually contain a lot of sugar or artificial sweetener as well.

If you’re drinking for health, it doesn’t matter if you go hot or cold. Just make sure you pick up your favorite blend and make it yourself!

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