How Much Tea A Day Is Healthy?

Tea, particularly green tea, is full of health benefits. But can you have too much of a good thing?

It turns out that yes, you can. While drinking green tea is bound to give you health benefits, too much of the wonder drink can begin to have negative side effects on your body. Though these side effects are hardly serious.

It’s important to know what happens when you drink green tea.

The Benefits Of Lots Of Tea

The benefits to drinking green tea are numerous, and you can pile on the benefits by adding cups of green tea to your daily routine.

One benefit to green tea is caffeine. You might not feel the effects of caffeine from one cup, and that’s generally a good thing. A little bit of caffeine can help your metabolism work faster.

Because green tea has much less caffeine than drinks like coffee, you’ll be safe having more than one cup of tea.

Another benefit to drinking lots of green tea is hydration. When you drink tea, only a small percentage of it is actually tea – about 0.4% – while the rest is water. Most people are chronically dehydrated, so adding tea is a clever way to drink water while getting great flavor and health benefits.

The Side Effects Of Lots Of Tea

Too much tea can cause slight problems; fortunately, they are hardly serious.

One common issue with drinking too much tea is the caffeine intake. Caffeine is good in small doses, but too much caffeine can change the way your body works. You can start to become addicted to caffeine, and you stop naturally producing energy.

You’d have to drink a lot of tea for this to happen, and unless you’re drinking more than 8 cups a day, this isn’t something you should be worried about.

Another thing to consider about tea is what you add to it. Green tea on its own is relatively harmless, but other herbs added to the mix can change that.

Your body will react differently to some herbs, so it’s best to avoid large doses of anything you don’t understand well. Sugar and honey help tea taste even better, but they can add calories and start to counteract against the weight loss properties of green tea, so best to use them sparingly or not at all.

Aside from these, there really aren’t many problems to be concerned about.

How Much Tea Should You Drink?

If you want to get the maximum benefits of green tea, you’ll want to drink up to 6 cups a day. That might seem like a lot to some people, but you’d be surprised how quickly you get hooked on the flavor!

The 6-cup rule works well when you drink high-quality green tea like Sir Jason Winters. There really isn’t a huge drawback to drinking too much tea, but you can get plenty of benefits from adding a few cups to your daily routine!


What’s The Best Time Of Day To Drink Green Tea?

When it comes to flavor, health benefits and satisfaction, there isn’t much that can beat green tea. The wonder drink is capable of helping people lose weight, giving people more energy and improving the overall health of whoever drinks it.

While you’ll always be getting the positive effects of green tea, have you ever wondered if there’s a way to get more of a certain benefit? If someone starts drinking green tea to spur weight loss, they would want to know the right way to drink it.

It turns out that it doesn’t just come down to what type of tea you’re drinking, but also when you drink your green tea.

Depending on the specific type of benefit you’re looking for, there’s a time of day that you should make sure to sneak in a cup of green tea.

Drinking Green Tea for Weight Loss

There are a couple ways that green tea helps you lose weight, and both involve burning away chemicals. Green tea acts as a stimulant, so it kickstarts your metabolism and increases the flow of your gastric acids, helping to stop the cumulation of fatty cells.

If you’re looking to lose weight, be sure to have green tea during meals – particularly meals that have fattier foods. By combining the foods with the tea, you’ll end up burning the food faster and flushing out some of the bad chemicals that lead to weight gain.

Keep in mind that green tea does increase the flow of acids. Combined with some types of foods, this extra acid can mean an upset stomach. Be sure to keep note of what foods may or may not act up when combined with green tea.

Drinking Green Tea for Energy

Green tea contains caffeine, so you’ll be getting energy when you drink it no matter what time of day it is.

But new studies show that drinking green tea on an empty stomach could actually put some stress on the liver. This is mostly because of the caffeine in the beverage.

To avoid this, make sure to eat something before you have your first cup of tea for the day. As long as you have some food in your stomach, you’ll be able to reap all the positive benefits of green tea without any negative side effects.

Drinking Green Tea for Healing Properties

If you’re looking for the healing properties of green tea, be sure to brew a cup between your meals.

Having tea between meals gives your body time to sift through food and tea individually. Depending on what you eat, the chemicals in the food can negate the chemicals in green tea. To avoid this completely, you’ll want to give your body a chance to start to digest some of the food before switching to tea.

Try waiting an hour or two after you eat a meal to drink your tea. This will give your body plenty of time prepare for those healing properties you can only find in green tea!

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