Synthetic vs. Natural

Did you know The Food & Drug Administration states that a product can be labeled as “natural” even if contains only 5% natural ingredients? The remaining 95% of the ingredients can be synthetic!

The Facts About Synthetic

When you take synthetic supplements, chances are your body is eliminating most of the nutrients. This is because a synthetic supplement does not absorb into the body as well as a natural one. When synthetic supplements are taken in pill form, they usually dissolve quickly and the body is unable to absorb most of the nutrients. Synthetic supplements are a by-product of the petroleum industry, whereas natural supplements are a by-product of living things, such as plants and animals.

Why Many Companies Produce Synthetic Products

Synthetic supplements usually cost much less to manufacture than natural ones, so many companies use synthetic ingredients (together with natural ingredients) to defray the cost of production. However, many of these companies still label their products as “natural” even though up to 95% of the ingredients can be synthetic. Companies are reaping tremendous profits by taking advantage of this loophole in labeling requirements.

About Jason Winters Teas & Supplements

Made from only 100% natural substances we utilize a unique process which allows the ingredients to release slowly over a prolonged period of time, allowing the body ample time for proper and complete absorption. This process ensures that you get the most benefit from Jason Winter’s teas & supplements. Jason Winters Teas & Supplements also contain NO preservatives, wax, sugar, starch or artificial colors.

*This information does not pertain to Some Royal Crest Products, Jason Winters Cream of Cathay & Liquid chlorophyll.

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